KnotBone™ Adjustable Bungee™ #9


KnotBone™ Adjustable Bungee™ #9

This adjustable-size bungee uses two carabiner clips at either end for secure attachment to anchors.
With carabiner clips instead of open hooks at each end, the KnotBone Adjustable Bungee not only attaches to your anchor points, it locks there. Instead of elastic that loses its stretch over time, it has a durable, high quality cord that threads through each end and adjusts in length. Once you have it adjusted to the right size, secure it in place with a simple wrap-and-lock motion. There are even small self-clipping plastic caps to the cord ends to keep them in place once you've got your load secured. No more pulling, stretching, and re-hooking to get the tension you want - job after individual job, the KnotBone Bungee stays right where you attach it, pulls securely to the exact length you need, and locks there.

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