Coghlan's® Lightweight Poncho


Coghlan's® Lightweight Poncho

Stay dry wherever the day takes you with Coghlan's Poncho. This waterproof vinyl poncho is lightweight and compact, making it the perfect item to travel with when you're unsure what the weather has in store for you. The electronically welded seams, attached hood and PVC snap button closures on the sides provide great protection against rain and waterfall mist so you can stay dry on your adventure. Thanks to being lightweight and packable, Coghlan's Ponchos save space in backpacks making them great to bring along when backpacking, hiking, or cycling. 

  • "Waterproof vinyl
  • Electronically welded seams
  • Attached hood
  • PVC snap button closures
  • One size fits all /li>
  • Full cut size: 52"" x 80"" (132 cm x 203 cm)

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