Agri-Fab® 24x48 Roller Steel


Agri-Fab® 24x48 Roller Steel

Are you looking for the perfect lawn? An Agri-Fab steel roller could be your answer. It's one of the best and easiest ways to make your lawn look great. After a long winter a roller levels out your lawn by removing the bumps and depressions from snow and freeze. A roller is good for new sod and freshly seeded lawns because it flattens the soil to promote stronger root growth. Drum capacity 910 lbs with water. Scraper bar prevents clumps from building up.
Welded seam construction for strength and durability Drain/fill plug empties easily and fills with a standard garden hose Universal hitch attaches easily and quickly to all tractors Heavy-duty hitch tubes 3- Year limited warranty

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