Trap Fly Lid for a 5 Gallon Bucket


Trap Fly Lid for a 5 Gallon Bucket

"• EFFECTIVE AND VERSATILE! Take care of big fly problems outdoors! The Fly-Lid will catch flies wherever they are a problem, whether it's your barn, shed, patio, greenhouse, stable, pasture, etc… Add some bait to a 5 gallon bucket, pop the 5 Gallon Bucket Fly Lid on top and you are ready to catch flies! • MADE IN USA! Patent pending design allows the Fly-Lid to fit onto any round 5 gallon bucket! It was designed, manufactured and packaged in the US."
"• Turn any 5 gallon bucket into a super sized fly trap •  Eco friendly and pesticide free. You can use safe and natural ingredients from around your house. • Made from recyled plastic. Can be reused and recycled."

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