Know 3 Strategies for Growing Bigger, Better Tomatoes

Know 3 Strategies for Growing Bigger, Better Tomatoes

Tomatoes are a classic favorite to grow in a garden. A versatile plant that yields a delicious harvest, properly cared for tomatoes can be incredibly rewarding. Here are three tips for how to grow tomatoes that are larger and more delicious.

1. Choosing the Right Variety

No matter how good you are at gardening, you will be limited by the variety of tomato plants you choose. Before you plant you should spend some time deciding what kind of results you are hoping to achieve and choose your plant varieties accordingly. Depending on where you live, it can be best to choose a local variety that is sure to be well suited for your climate. You can also select from classic favorites such as Early Girls, Romas, or Beefsteak varieties.

2. Planting Your Tomatoes

Another important decision you will need to make early on is whether you are going to start your tomatoes from seeds or buy established plants from a nursery. You can get a lot of seeds for a much lower price, but you'll have to spend more time growing them into sturdy plants in the weeks before planting them in your garden.

You will also need to decide where your tomatoes will be planted. You can opt for planting your tomatoes in a garden bed or any prepared patch of ground. Alternatively, you can plant in containers. If you live in an area where late frosts pose a danger to your plants, containers can be a great option as they allow you to move your plants to a sheltered area in cold weather. Container-grown tomatoes can also be easier to fertilize and less prone to diseases that can come up from bad soil.

3. Care and Growth

You should check on your tomatoes frequently and ensure that they are getting plenty of water without being invaded by mildew. Watch for signs of pests and remove any that you encounter. As your plants start to grow, gently trimming older leaves from near the bottom of the stem can help prevent disease and promote better growth. As your tomato continues to develop and starts producing fruit you can ease up a bit on watering. When done correctly this can lead to sweeter fruit, but you must be careful to still provide enough water to keep the plant from wilting.

Tomatoes are a rewarding and delicious addition to any vegetable garden. You can learn how to grow tomatoes no matter your skill level. Discover more about tomatoes and get your best harvest yet this year.