Saltec Magnum TM Salt Block 20kg


Saltec Magnum TM Salt Block 20kg

Salt, Zinc Oxide, Manganous Oxide, Copper Sulphate, Ferrous Carbonate, Red Iron Oxide, Sodium Selenite
Ethylenediamine Dihydroiodide, Cobalt Carbonate.
Salt (minimum) 95.0%
Salt (maximum) 98.0 %
Zinc (actual) 7500 mg/kg (ppm)
Managanese (actual) 5000 mg/kg (ppm)
Copper (actual) 2500 mg/kg (ppm
Iron (actual) 1600 mg/kg (ppm)
Iodine (actual) 100 mg/kg (ppm)
Cobalt (actual) 50 mg/kg (ppm)

Offer free choice to Beef Cattle at 25 grams/head

Directions for use must be carefully followed. Do not use in association with another feed containing supplemented selenium.

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