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Step 6 Senior Horse


Step 6 Senior Horse

Senior is designed to make your horse feel young again. This feed is a blend of pellets and extruded kibble created to address the unique dietary challenges faced by senior horses, hard keepers or mature horses having difficulty maintaining condition.
A blend of pellets and extruded kibbles allows easy consumption and nutrient absorption by senior horses, even those with dental issues. Formulated with ingredients chosen specifically for a senior horse diet. All fat sources used are non-hydrogenated vegetable oils that are selected to provide a good ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 fatty acids to a senior horse. Fortified with Trouw Nutrition’s Intellibond® and Optimin® trace minerals, pre and probiotics, biotin, full complement of B vitamins and SmartStep BeneFit Pak™ for superior digestibility, growth and performance in your horse.

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