Harvest Lane Honey Bee Hive Stimulant - 237mL


Harvest Lane Honey Bee Hive Stimulant - 237mL

Liquid bee feed stimulant concentrate encourages hive health. Essential oil based liquid feed comes in concentrate form and makes up to 5 gallons. Pour into in-hive feeder or entrance feeder. Use from March-June and then again in the Fall.

Bee Hive Stimulant can be used as an additive to sugar water in order to stimulate feeding and help promote the buildup of packages, nucs, swarms, or weak colonies. It can be sprayed on plastic foundation to enhance acceptance and encourage comb building. 16 oz bottle 16 uses per container (as directed) Settling can occur, shake well before use Apply with honey supers removed and NOT during honey flow Made in the USA WARNING: Not for human consumption. Keep sealed and away from children. User assumes full liability of use.

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