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Hill's® Science Diet® Adult Oral Care Dog, Chicken 6.9kg


Hill's® Science Diet® Adult Oral Care Dog, Chicken 6.9kg

Dog dental health affects so much more than just the teeth. Help support overal health and vitality in your adult dog with Hill's Science Diet Oral Care Adult Dog Food. Designed with a unique, clinically proven interlocking fiber technology, this unique kibble works to clean dog teeth and freshen breath with every bite. Plus, this premium dog food made with natural ingredients is packed with Omega-6 fatty acids & Vitamin E to help your grown dog keep a healthy coat and skin each and every day. This recipe is formulated with decades of cutting-edge research to be a great-tasting dog food your adult dog can truly enjoy. There’s more to love with the new look of Science Diet.
This dry dog food helps improve the dental health of your grown canine. - helps reduce plaque & tartar build-up with clinically proven kibble technology. - Interlocking fiber technology cleans canine teeth and supports fresh breath with every bite. - A dog food with Omega-6 fatty acids & Vitamin E for healthy skin and coat - Made with natural ingredients - Made in the USA with Global ingredients you can trust

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