The Vineyard Glass Oriole Feeder


The Vineyard Glass Oriole Feeder

$29.99 Reg.$39.99
Orioles love grape jelly, meal worms and fruit. Heath’s 4-jar Oriole Feeder gives you the option to fill all four glass cups with jelly or mix and match with meal worms or fruit. The large clear baffle not only covers the feeder from the weather but it helps deter larger birds and squirrels from taking over the feeder. The glass jelly cups fit Heath’s other Oriole feeders and replacement jars are available. Made of durable UV-resistant, powder-coated steel. Simple to fill, hang and clean. 4 glass jelly cups, fill cups with grape jelly, meal worms or fruit; Ideal for orioles, finches, tanagers and other popular songbirds Durable UV-adjustable glass cups remove for cleaning and feeder is easy to fill and hang dome height help keep out larger birds and squirrels Simplistic design offers a clear view of orioles as they feed powder-coated steel with attached hanging chain
  • Has 4 cups for adding jelly, seed or feed of your choice
  • Built in dome to prevent weather from ruining seed

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